Now one of the beautiful things I love about Thai culture we don’t see it in Western culture, is that in Thai culture, the children grow up to look after the family to look after the parents.
Here in Western culture we sometimes see where the parents are forever looking after the children. Maybe you relate to that maybe you don’t but in Thai culture, the child is grown and reared to then take care of the family, to take care of the parents when the parents get older.
Very beautiful thing in Thai culture. Now for me to help this family it would be wrong of me to just give them a lump sum of cash because the parents would not probably be able to handle the money, they wouldn’t know how to effectively handle the money.
So for me to break the poverty cycle for this particular family it is for me to offer them opportunity. And the opportunity that I offer to this particular family is for me to say “I would pay for Dom’s education right through to University.
Any costs for books and uniforms, anything to do with Dom’s education I will pay the bill, and he can go through to university studies for as long as he wants to become the professional small business owners falling into the poverty trap and the poverty trap is due to education not educated.
They work hard all their lives and they get caught in this vicious circle not really making that many profits, they are not really going forward and they are caught in the poverty trap. And on the way to break that poverty trap is to grab the opportunity of education.
Now I say that it is an opportunity because if Dom turns around at 16, 17 and says “David I don’t want to go to university I don’t want to do that”, I am not here to rule his life.
If he chooses not to go to university that is fine that. But at least I want to give him the opportunity to be able to make that decision