A Simple But Effective Customer Review Filtering System
It is an old business mantra that you probably use or at least have heard before
If you are happy with our service / product please tell others – if you aren’t please tell us
Obviously positive word of mouth is and always will be an important aspect for every business
With the phrase – “if you are happy with our service / product please tell others – if you aren’t please tell us” – we are trying to circumvent / rectify any unhappy or dissatisfied customers before they go out into the world and tell others about a negative experience with our company
But today we live in a digital world – and I don’t have to remind you that in todays world things are moving faster and faster.
If your business encounters a poor Facebook review – that can have a negative effect on business
if your business gets a 1 star review on Google that can be enough to see potential customers choose your competitors over you.
Customer reviews are important for your business – actually let me rephrase that – POSITIVE customer reviews are important for your business.
With the constant fear of negative reviews I fully understand why a lot of real world businesses don’t actively seek customer reviews on their digital platforms
But that doesn’t have to be the case – and I want to show you a simple automated system i created for our businesses – to actively seek POSITIVE customer reviews incorporating the mantra – If you are happy with our service / product please tell others – if you aren’t please tell us….
You too can use this system for any platform or application where you collect your digital reviews…..
My wife Renoo has a very successful Holiday Home For Rental business here in Thailand.
Her website is HolidayHomeRental dot asia – a shameless plug for my wife’s business – but it keeps me in the good books
In Thailand particularly positive reviews on Facebook is very important – and especially in the market niche my wife is in – as reviews often can be the tipping point where a person chooses our accommodation service over our competitors
Every customer who stays in one of our houses – gets an email after their stay asking how they would rate their stay with us.
We are using an email marketing program called Active Campaign to generate these emails – a link to a Free Trial of Active Campaign is included on this page
Now each of the star ratings in the email are hyperlinked – if you click on them you get taken to page on our website.
If the customer selects between 1 to 3 stars they are taken to the page which asks them to let us know why they only rated us between 1 to 3 stars
As you can see we actively ask for more information on any problem they had during their stay
If the customer selects 4 or 5 stars they are taken to a completely different page altogether which basically says we are very happy to hear you had a great stay – and would you mind leaving us a review on our Facebook page.
“if you are happy with our service / product please tell others i.e. if you are rating used between 4 & 5 stays please tell others – if you aren’t happy please tell us – i.e. if you are rating us between 1 to 3 stars please tell us”
So if we look at my wife Facebook page……
Now I know that the Facebook page is in Thai – we are in Thailand and most of our customers are Thai obviously – but what I want you to note is that we have 58 reviews and all of them are 4 & 5 stars.
Please note – that my wife has not deleted any reviews from her Facebook account – just for the doubters out there…..you know who you are…..
If you were only going to rate us 1 to 3 stars – we are not directing that customer anywhere near our Facebook page – (or any other digital review platform which we choose to use)
If the customer is going to rate us 1 to 3 stars – we want the customer to tell us what the problem was – and the majority of the time it is such a minor thing that with a little bit of extra good service – is often overcome – and that customer remains a customer and comes again to the same or another house at a future date.
If the customer is rating us 4 to 5 stars – we are pushing them to our review platform…..and like I have already said ……that can be any review platform you choose to use.
Pretty simple right?
Is that an idea you can implement into your business?
Implementing this strategy should negate any reservations you have about asking for reviews
POSITIVE customer reviews are important for your business today and going forward into the future – put a system in place
Leave some comments below I would love to hear your thoughts.
Ive been David Caruso – I hope you enjoyed this months business marketing tip.
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