

Video Transcript

Business Website Strategy

So still on your website, the question we have to ask ourselves is can my one website do everything? It’s a rhetorical question, but can your one website do everything? And what I mean by this is that our website, I like to break down things into its simplest form, our website needs to appeal to four different types of people. So the four types of people that our website needs to appeal to:

  • First is our existing customers. Our existing customers go back to your website and check your phone number to grab your address or if you’re offering services with specific products or specifications. They are going back to your website to check on those products and specifications.
  • The second type of person our website needs to appeal to is the warm customers. Those are the customers who see you in the real world, who’ve seen your advertising somewhere, maybe in the local newspapers, Yellow Pages, seen it somewhere in the traditional marketing sense and they go to your website to check you out first before they decide to ring or visit the store.
  • Then there are those cold customers. Cold customers are those guys who know nothing about you. So, they usually come to your website through various online marketing means. SOE, Google advertising, for example.

So, SEO, they go to Google, they are looking for a whipper snipper hire in Blacktail. So there my search result comes up. They don’t know anything about my hire company. They know nothing about me. So, I need to appeal to that person; my website needs to appeal to that person when they click through. Because I want the sale, I want the hire. Now there are two types of cold customers. Let me break this down a little bit more in detail. There is prior sensitive. So it’s that person who goes to Google, he’s looking for the cheapest and nastiest whipper snipper he can hire out for the weekend. Whereas there are other customers who are looking for quality they don’t mind willing to pay for that little bit extra to make sure that whipper snipper doesn’t break down on site; that’s not going to cause them grief’ that can get the job done efficiently and effectively.

  • Now the fourth type of person, I use this term quite loosely, is not really a person, it’s the Google robots. Now Google sends a spider, a bot, a robot, whatever you want to call it, it’s all the same thing; he sends a spider to your website to read different pages on your website so he understands what your website, what your web page is about. And it’s with that information that he reads on your website, that he then goes back and makes a decision that he is going to put you in the index in the rankings when somebody does a particular key word search. So our website needs to appeal to that Google robot. Now we are asking one website to do a lot. It is working overtime to meet and to service all those different types of customers. So here’s the bombshell, your website’s look and feel is sending a message to your potential customers. Let me say this again: your website’s look and feel is sending a message to your potential customers.

Not all business websites strategies are the same

Now I just want to do a website comparison for a particular industry and I am going to pick the catering industry. I started working and giving some advice and consulting to the catering company X amount of years ago. And when I started doing so this was a catering company in question also have a split roast .com.

When I started doing so, I always thought that catering companies were just catering companies. I did not think that much about it to be honest with you. I had a little bit of inside information about catering companies because I had a hire company and catering companies were one of my customers and I knew a little bit about the industry, no so much. I just thought caterers were just caterers.

But when I did some investigation and some research in the industry I started to find different types of caterers.   I found this company, Corporate Office Caterers, officecaterers.com.au and they had a different look and feel to their website. I would see my client with the backyard party, traditional split roast. Whereas Office Caterers gave a little bit more corporate look. Now I would suggest to you that a secretary in a legal firm who has just been asked by one of her directors to organize some platters of sandwiches for the afternoon’s meeting, the afternoon conference meeting, would feel more confident in ordering a platter full of sandwiches from the

Office Caterers website than she would from the split roast guy. I’m going to go out on a bit of a limb and suggest to you that my split roast guy would probably do you a plate of, platters of sandwiches if he was asked. But the secretary would feel a lot more confident in buying the platters of sandwiches from the Office Caterers’ website.

I then found this other website called cheapcatering,com.au ; obviously it’s sending a specific message to their target market, cheap and nasty, cheap weddings, cheap split roast, cheap cheap cheap; probably would not guarantee the food. I found this website, weddingcaterers,com.au, once again tied in a specific niche in the market . Weddings. Once again, I’m going out on a limb, if my client, Southern Split Roast, was asked to do a wedding, he would probably do a wedding. Then I found this website, Funeral Catering Specialists, funeralcatering.com.au. Obviously you can see there’s no balloons, no blowers, no party things; all depends on who is in the box of course. But these are all targeting different niches.

A business website strategy to blow you socks off

So here’s a business web strategy that I promised you at the start you would never look at your website the same way again. And I also promised you from the onset that I’m gonna blow your socks off. So here is some socks that I have blown off in the past and you let me know if I have blown your socks off with this particular strategy. I call it the one-inch versus one- mile strategy. One- inch versus one-mile strategy and here it is.

We’re gonna stick with the catering industry, that example. In the past, to see if this relates to you, see if you did this for your website. In the past, we would build a website that was one inch wide and one mile deep. And it would usually be your name, www.yournameofthecompany.com.au . And using the catering example, we might have a page to say, “I will do splits” “We do office catering”, “We’ll only do funeral catering” “Finger food, corporates, weddings”, whatever the case may be. So, it would be one website fifty pages deep, using that as an example.

And we know that when we build one website it’s all congruent, all the web pages are the same, so e get a congruent look to the website. Now I want you to turn that model on its side.

And I say in the future it’s not even the future it’s the now. Let’s think about turning that model on its side instead of going 1 inch wide and 1 mile deep how about we go one mile wide and one inch deep? Instead of building one website that’s fifty pages deep how about we consider building twenty-five websites, two to three pages deep? So instead of having a website, yourname.com, how about we have a weddingcaterer.com, a funeralcaterer.com, fingerfood.com, all different looks and feels to those particular websites targeting specific niches in the marketplace.

You see, I’ve got a bit of confession to make. The catering company I’m referring to in this instance, all those websites that we looked at, were all from the same catering company. Because what we are trying to do here is get attention, attraction, affinity and audience. Going back to our sales funnel, What we are trying to achieve as business owners to have a really wide sales funnel. And we want to feed that sales funnel like a hungry beast. If you want your business to grow, you need to have a really wide sales funnel and feed it like a hungry beast. If you don’t want your business to grow, that’s okay. You can do that. Don’t have a wide sales funnel, have a really narrow sales funnel, don’t fed the sales funnel and I promise you your business won’t grow. You’ll be stagnant, which is fact is going backwards and you will soon die off.

So what we’re trying to do here is feed the sales funnel through these different various websites like a hungry beast.