Hey I’m Miley howay I would like to share some of the ways I use search queries information from Google web master tools to improve my site. To give some back ground the first step of the search engine web pipeline is crawling, then indexing and last search results which include ranking and the display of results to users. Search queries data shed lights on the third part of search engine pipeline.



How To Use Keywords & Search Queries To Improve Your Site

If a user clicks and come to your site that were tradition Google analytics comes in, search queries however also display impression data which mean you will also get information about searchers when they see you site but might not click trough. Couple of Years ago web master tools data was intergraded as SEO over port and Google analytics often we see people who want to bring more visitor to their sites by over focusing on search queries and ranking.

When they are even bigger games in search friendliness if they have investigated on how they their site has crawl and if they reduce duplicate so their sites is more optimally index. Additionally while search queries feature provide lots of actual information the ranking of your page in search result is only one part of the process and the goal of converting users to your site whether it buying a product or subscribe, you still need to provide a great result and a good user theory on your site.

Let’s take a look in search queries and web master tools. Search queries is tad with top search and top pages, there is also a filter button the ability to set a date range set back going several months, download information or even to see the change rate during the period on the time inner volt. Some of the word on the page might be new to you so let’s review definition.

  • Queries- is a user search term or terms, this is the query for Google web master tools.
  • Impression- is when a user preform a query, a page from your site may be visible in their search result for example: search query Google blog for site owners if our site googlewebbmastercentre/blog/.com and was rank number five and one to ten of the search result were shown to the user this would count as an impression. However if my page rank number eleven and only ten to one was display to the user this would not count as an impression to the query, unless the user clicks to see the next page of result which is eleven to twenty.
  • Average position – To calculate average position we take into account of the top ranking URL from your site for particular query often across different user in the example of the query Google blog for site owners we use the position of number 5 to master centre blog in disregard the later position of the query Is research. If another user use the same query ten the top result will be in the 3 position and the average top result will be 4 since it’s the average between five and three.
  • Click- this mean is that the user selected their result, they must have found display enticing.
  • CTR (CLICK TROUGH RATE) – it’s the percentage of the sites page selected in result, this provide some incites of how well the result display match query and the user attempt.
  • Qualify traffic or query- qualify means if the user arrive on your site or see your site in search result, there is a realistic changes of they like your content and convert. It more efficient that you site is receiving qualify traffic rather to rank for terms were user will be unsatisfied with the result. For example while the Google web master centre blog has impression for the stand alone query Google that query won’t bring us qualify traffic, those searcher likely want the Google web page therefore we can deemphasize the qualify query like Google during our sites improvements

Now let us get in an approach I use that investigating the search query feature, before I even look at a business’s search query data. I start to ask question to understand the audience and some question to keep in mind as you improve you site are:

1. What are the goal of your website and your business?

2. What groups are you targeting?

3. Where are they located and what kind of device they are using?

4. What are their objectives?

5. Can their objective a line with the company’s business goals?

6. Did their query terms match your content?

On the queries page the default feature is set to web when it come to the audience that see your site in their search results, select filter and you notice the breakdown of the searchers given their countries and search types like web and image search.

If your visit all come from several countries you can start evaluating whether you site make their needs and if it worth investing more time to so for example given that much of your visitor comes from Canada in addition to the United States if we were a business look to develop we can start writing content issue relating to Canada, as you investigate other queries and it often to use a in committed window or a browser without store cookies or you’re not login into to Google so that personalization don’t affect your results.

Going back to the main search query page one of the first thing I do is to start by clicks rather than the default sorting of impression. This is because impression well extremely valuable can initially blur the real picture of my site since they can refer to qualify and non-qualify queries.

Once queries are sorted by clicks for this for this date range you’ll have on display the Google search that bring you site the most traffic. Just to repeat if once queries are sorted by click this will actually tell you want search brings you the most traffic.

I often star here after know what the audience is that I want to attract, it’s actually good to know I’m already doing well before I start making changes. Be aware that changing the date range can change the results so may want to look a 3 months’ time range and even keep track of your queries all the time by downloading the data. Web master tools provide a 3 months’ worth of history, often business want to see yearly trends and behaviour which changes with the holiday shopping season, valentine day or back to school to see yearly trends required to download information.

Question to ask yourself as you investigate are:
1. Are these the queries I would expect?
2. Does it seem like these clicks bring qualify traffic?
3. Can my display of my page in search result be better optimized for the query?

As you investigate the query that bring your site the most traffic, stimulate the entire searcher experience from their possible location and motivation to performing the query to viewing the search result display to clicking to your site then the user experience, more advanced and analytic users can tying their knowledge here. If you click the query you’ll see the result appear relating to the query covering of the error bring a preview to your page, if there is different URL and duplicate content improve your site by consolidating information perhaps with the 301 redirect or the relcon article.

If there page you wouldn’t expect to rank for the query check how much click they have, if you feel it’s significant check out the page take notes cause after reviewing queries and more result pages you while determine pages and for which user experience you want prioritize improvements.

If sorted by clicks you were surprise than certain queries is missing from the list, you might begin investigating why.
1. How does your site rank and appear for the query?
2. Is the search result display compelling?
3. How your competitor does looks?

Information about improving the title and display in search result can be found here. After we investigating by sorting by clicks lets now sort by CTR (click through rate). High CTR means that your page has gone good search result for the query, low CTR for relevant qualify query likely means you want to improve your search result display.

Take note of which query is perform as expected and as before investigate how your site appear in search result for the query title and snippet a titled to click on does it show a unique add to the searcher with an understanding with impression, clicks and CTR you’ll

Likely want to start organizing your query into category to simplify tracking them for improvements for example: for the web master centre blog I might want to breakdown or queries into branded turns that we should definitely rank for. These are normally navigation queries when users are looking for our site and I will check my CTR for these queries to make sure user are able to reach my site. Another category of query that might be useful are those which are strongly correlated with conversion.

If the goal of my Google web master blog was to provide user with the Google newest and latest news to site owners. We might just start categories queries with what match your goals, Google SEO tip Google twelve (Google 12) and Google SEO secret Google 2012. I might also notice that search use technical terms to find our sites, so I might have another category on how my site perform for technical instruction.

For each of these categories I will ensure to understand the user mind-set as they perform the query, were they are located or even whether if their device might change their behaviour. Then whether my search display is compelling, furthermore if they click on my sight those the content match their expectations and or we are providing a great user experimenting.

Back at the main search query page lets now check out our top pages tab, if sort your pages as clicks you can see for a given date range these are the pages most visited by searchers for the most queries that brought are site the most traffic now we are seeing the pages most visited by searchers.

It’s probably pretty obvious that you would want to visit these pages to see if it’s cleared and well written and find an easier way for people to navigate your site, buy your product and otherwise convert.

You can gain a better site of what users are doing on these page trough Google analytic.

Next you can sort top pages by impression because these pages are often shown to users in search results, its likely Google consider them as relevant pages. Given that these top pages are valuable from a search engine perspective you can use them to link with your high quality but lower ranking or less featured pages for more visibility for users and search engine.

To optimized top pages:
1. First expect that top pages for Google might not be what you originally imagine,
2. Secondly all top pages are user friendly, perhaps even conversion friendly
3. Thirdly consider using your top pages internally link to a high quality but lower ranking pages

Search queries and ranking are important step in bring qualify visitor to your sit and meeting your business goals, but remember that not the only step for example:
• Better marketing can lead to more searchers looking for your product and service.
• Good content can upsell to your visitors
• Providing a great user experience can bring direct refers and repeated customers

Our team hopes you can use of the search query features