How To Maintain A Healthy Email List
Video Transcription
If you want to continually get great results from your email marketing you should plan on keeping your email list in tip top shape. This means cleaning your list of email addresses that could potentially have a negative impact on your overall results. This way you keep your email list filled with people who are most engaged with you and this means more opens, more clicks, and more business.
Now, you may be wondering why maintain your email list if people have already opted in? Well, some things could impact how people engage with your email marketing campaigns. For example, some people may have a change in interest, some may change jobs making their emails invalid, and others may just abandon their email accounts they used to sign up for your email list. On average you can expect about 30% of the people on your list to churn each year. That means if you don’t do something about those email context that are no longer engaged you can expect it to have a negative effect on your overall results. So what should you do to maintain your email list?
At least once a quarter do the following:
Review and remove of any bounces from your account in short a bounce is an undelivered email. This happens due to a spelling error, a full inbox, a technical glitch, or a variety of other reasons. Now spelling mistakes can be easily corrected but if an email address gets labelled as undeliverable, or nonexistent it’s probably best to remove those addresses. For other bounce types take a look at how many times a single address is bounced. Remove the address if it happens several times.
Asses your list segments. When an email is targeted and relevant the recipient is more likely to engage with it. Keep you engagement levels high by segmenting your list in a way that makes sense for your business. You may want to segment by interests, locations, or purchase history to name a few. Perhaps you have a group of people who regularly volunteer and make donations. Segmenting allows you to maintain the relevance of the emails you send to the receiver. Run a re-engagement campaign. Other people who regularly don’t open your emails it may be time to see if you can re-engage them.
Create a special message just for these people designed to prompt them to take action to show that they’re still interested in hearing from you.
Plan to regularly inspect and make adjustments to your email list so that it’ll continue to get great results. Be sure to watch the rest of the videos for more tips.
So those are all the tips I have for you today. If you’re looking for more email marketing advice visit Constant Contact.
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About The Speaker
Introducing David Caruso
David Caruso has been a successful SME Business owner for over 20 years.
From a sole operator based in Sydney’s Western Suburbs, David successfully grew his small business into a thriving multi-million dollar a year success story. David’s extensive background in the business world provides his clients with an unique advantage.
His practical business growth strategies have been applied across a wide range of industries and organisations.
David is a sought after speaker on the various topics of business strategies and marketing.
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