Meta Box – Advance Tab


On the advance Tab of the Yoast SEO Meta Box you can do a couple of things first of all you can change whether this post can be indexed or no index, and you can override the setting for that specific post type. So the default for the post type is index, but I can set it to no index and if I do that then Google would not be able to show this page in the index it will however creole the page. When it creoles the page you can tell it whether it should follow the links on that page or whether it should not follow the links on that page if you don’t want it to follow them and you use no follow

0:41There are a couple more advance Meta Robots features here that you don’t really need to know if you don’t want to, but if you want to use them then you bio means welcome. You can set a Breadcrumbs title which can be very useful if you have a very long title for a page that also has child pages, and you can assure our Breadcrumbs title to show up in the Breadcrumbs for those child pages. And you can change the url so you can point the economically to another page within your site or to another page on another site. If you copy this page or if you have the same content and multiple sites.