Search Console – Redirect


The Google search console feature Yoast SEO is a feature that basically mimics every bit of the crule errors in Google search consult, so if you’ve connected your site which you can do on the settings Tab, are you can authenticate it for another site we get all the carriers that you can find in Google search console in the crole areas, and you get them exactly the same way on search console interface. We’ve got the free manger ones desktops smart phone feature phone feature phone just like Google has them here and then underneath there we have got these sub Tabs as well with all the different types of issue.

0:51 If you hover over them you’ll see the specific descriptions of those areas, now what you can do with this is two things. One you can look them okay this already have been fixed in which case you can hear the mark is fixed or you can redirect them. Now this video is taken with Yoast SEO premium because if you have your SEO free create redirect will actually not work as the redirect feature is something that it’s only available in premium. If you click redirect and you have premium you get to choose a new url that you want to point this ridiculous url in this case, and I say okay let’s take it to the homepage you can decide where do you want to mark this a fixed which is Google search console and also makes it despair from your list from your list here and then you can hit create redirect at that point it’s gone.

1:46 So you can go through all these errors quite quickly and move them to specific places on your site that you think dishing these faulty areas should be redirected to.