The Taxonomies Tab of the title amount of section of your SEO allows you to change the Title templates and Meta description templates for Taxonomies if you have categories and Tags they will show here if you have other custom Taxonomies they’ll show here too.
If you have a post format that you use actually then you can change the templates here too, now there is a couple of settings per Taxonomies just like for post types you can set them to be index or no index, if you set them to no index no index then none of your categories will ever show up in the search results.
This is not something we recommend doing but sometimes if you have far too many tax and you haven’t clean them up, then actually setting them no index might help you.
0:53 Just like on the post types tab you can use allot of variables in the title templates and messages description templates here, the few things that are separate you can use that are very useful like a term description or a category tab description.
This will be replaced with the terms description, if your term descriptions are small this is the smart thing to do in most cases though we recommend for the categories that you really care about to optimize them on a by category bases for instance, this is the analytics’ category on it has quite a bit of specific content. And we’ve have written the specific Meta description for it.
1:43 now you can do this for categories for tags, you can do this for custom text anomalies make sure to do this right and make sure just like in post types and every other title templates to remove the page variable as otherwise, the second page of the category will have the exact same title as the first page.