The Tab of the XML site website of the SEO is the post types Tab the Post types Tab allows you to change whether it’s specific post type shows up in your XML site map will not by default on a site without any other things in soled this is what you will see Post pages and Media. Media are the urls Word Press automatically creates for images that you upload.
0:34 we by default do not include those in our site Map and we do include the other ones, now if you look at a normal XML site map it will look like this, and when you change save to changes it will look like. So the page will be gone from the XML site map index and it will no longer exist It’s as simple as that it’s really smart though is when you are looking at any new site, make sure that you check these settings and check there are no weird post types that to chill up in your XML Maps. We’ve seen ecommerce plugins for instance I’ve registered post types for receipts and those register properly the resister them as public which will make them show up in your XML site Maps of people could view each other’s receipt if they have found your XML site Map. Usually not something you’d want so you can fix that here