SEO Yoast Training Modules Social – Google + Tab VIDEO TRANSCRIPT On the Google plus Tab of the social settings of your SEO you can then enable Google plus Pacific post method data. Now Google is not the most vibrant of Social Networks, but if you use it’s...
SEO Yoast Training Modules Social – Pinterest Tab VIDEO TRANSCRIPT On the Pinterest of the Social settings of your SEO you can basically do only one thing if you are interesting in Pinterest it’s very important that that you enable the open graph Meta Data...
SEO Yoast Training Modules Social – Twitter Tab VIDEO TRANSCRIPT On the Twitter Tab on the Social search SEO you can enable or disable Twitter correct meta Data, Twitter Curves are the summaries that Twitter shows when click on few summary in your Twitter...
SEO Yoast Training Modules Social – Facebook Tab VIDEO TRANSCRIPT On the Facebook Tab of the Social settings of your search SEO you can enable or disable the open graph Meta Data, open Graph is the system of meta Data that Facebook uses to allow you to tell what...
SEO Yoast Training Modules Social – Accounts Tab VIDEO TRANSCRIPT In the Social Settings of your SEO we determine how we will show your site to Social networks like Facebook, Twitter and others. On the first Tab of the Social settings you can enter all the...