SEO Yoast Training Modules Titles & Metas – Other Tab VIDEO TRANSCRIPT This is the other sections of the Titles and Meta section of SEO, this is where we hid stuff that we don’t know where to put it’s mostly to deal with side white Meta set in...
SEO Yoast Training Modules Archives Tab This is the Archive Tab the titles and Meta sections of your SEO here you can specify several different types of Archives, first of all you can specify a templates for often archives and Data Archives that work exactly the same...
SEO Yoast Training Modules Taxonomies Tab The Taxonomies Tab of the title amount of section of your SEO allows you to change the Title templates and Meta description templates for Taxonomies if you have categories and Tags they will show here if you have other custom...
SEO Yoast Training Modules Post Type Tab This is the post types Tab of the SEO tiles and Meta section on this post type Tab you’ll get a section from each separate post type that you have, so by the default that would repost and pages. But if you have more...
SEO Yoast Training Modules Titles & Metas Homepage Tab The next settings Tab of the Title and Meta section of The SEO is the Homepage Tab. This Tab actually has different looks depending on your settings, what you see on a default site where the Hompage show all...