Small Business Email Marketing Transcript
Let’s talk about email marketing now, can I tell you email marketing is just like a form of direct mail, now I took a snap shot in my hire business just a little hire business sitting on sunny hot road in a black tom in the heart of Sydney in the western suburbs of Sydney.
In this little hire company I took a three month snap shot and in three months I sent out something like 97,000 thousand messages now in a twelve month snap shot I sent out something like 290,000 marketing messages now if I was to send out those marketing messages via direct mail that will cost me a pretty penny small sum.
So 97,000 marketing messages, direct mails 60 cents an envelope printing at least 60, 70, $80,000 plus my staff would hate me of all the stuffing of the envelopes but I was able to send out those messages for the pricely sum if $50 per month using email because email marketing is just a form of direct mail except we’re doing it online of course. Now for $50 a month I’m using a third party program, never send out that amount of email via using your own computer because your ISP will shut you down for 24 hours you can’t send or receive emails you just don’t need those headaches.
But using a third party program I just prefer constant contact you can go to, and try their services but you don’t have to sue constant contact I just use them prefer because I’ve been using them since 2005 – 2006, there’ vision six, there’s mail chimp whatever service you like and understand but use a third party program.
Now once again I’m conscious about what worked yesterday doesn’t necessarily work today and would work tomorrow so I always want to give you current examples. Now one of the things I currently do at the moment, we talk about email marketing is I look after certain show society websites so there is painter show, black town show, saint ives show and different shows around Australia I think about 150 a 160 shows societies so at the moment I’m looking after about 15, 16 shows societies, crafting show, timbalette show, bushy park show so I’ve got about 10% of the market place, show market place in Australia and principally I do their website absolutely free so it cost them nothing on a hosting media hosting basis it cost them nothing to make unlimited changes and updates. But in return for doing it free I get to sell advertising on the show websites, I get to sell the advertising on a ten year contract and if I don’t sell any advertising bad luck to me I still provide the service but if I do sell advertising ok that’s good luck to me. Now using painter show as an example when we actually do a show area we then build up a data base for potential people to advertise on that show society website and we email market to them now I’m based in Thailand I don’t want to ring them I haven’t got a sales rep on the road but using that strategy of email marketing for the painter show can I tell you I sold $6,000 worth of advertising on the painter show website simply using email marketing. Now if I extrapolate that down because we replicate that for all the different shows you can see that email marketing can bring in a very very tidy sum and be an efficient and affective sales tool. Now going back to the show society I have never met any one society person when I was in Australia saint. Ives show went to one of their meetings but the rest of the show society that I actually look after show website I actually got them from email, I sent them an email I data base all the show societies and blasted out an email to say hey this is my offer if you like take it up if you don’t that’s ok.