Webinar Training
Webinar training can be a great solution if you have other information that needs to be shared over a long distance. The training completely eliminates any travel expenses that you would otherwise need to make.
Even if you do not have a lot of experience with technology you may be surprised to discover how easy it is to hold a webinar. It is a useful tool for a whole range of organisations. The following guide can be very useful in planning a webinar that is affordable yet very effective.
Decide Whether A Webinar Will Be The Most Effective Tool For Your Needs
A webinar is very useful tool for a number of occasions but you need to make sure that it is going to be something that your audience finds useful. If you think that the subject matter can all be covered in two hours or less then a webinar may be the right choice. You could also ask the people that the webinar is being held for whether it is something that they would find useful.
Hire A Speaker And Set Up A Support Team
The speaker that you choose for your webinar should be someone that is recognized as an expert in their field. Depending on the topic and the amount of content that needs to be covered you may also want to hire an assistant. It is usually a good idea to keep the roles of speaker and organizer separate as this will allow the speaker to concentrate solely on the content of the webinar without having to worry about technical issues.
Determine What Format The Webinar Will Take
A webinar can take a number of different formats and you will need to decide which one you are going to use. The most important thing to remember is that the webinar should flow from topic to topic and you need to do what you can to facilitate this.
Plan The Visuals
You need to make sure that the audio and visuals of your webinar will engage the audience and keep them interested. It is usually a good idea to avoid plain slides that have a lot of text and no images. Having said that, informative slides can be very useful at the beginning of the webinar. Useful slides to have include ones that introduce the speakers with a photograph if possible. An overview of the topics that will be covered and the agenda for the webinar can also be very useful.
Choose The Webinar Tool That You Will Use
There are many different webinar tools available and it can be difficult to know which one is going to be best for you. There are certain things that you will need to consider when you are choosing the tool that you will use. This includes how many people will be viewing the webinar, the cost of the tool and the features that it has, how the audio will be handled and whether the webinar should be recorded so that it can be viewed again at a later date. When you know the answers to all of these questions then you can begin to compare the different tools and see which ones have all the things that you need.
Create An Agenda
Having an agenda means that everyone knows what they should be doing and that there will be no confusion on the day. A discussion with everyone that is involved in the webinar should be held about a month or so before it is due to be held. As well as setting the agenda this is also a good opportunity to set deadlines for all materials to be prepared so that they can be checked over before the webinar is due to take place. Everyone that has participated in this discussion should be emailed a copy of notes from the meeting so that they have their own record of the things that have been discussed.
Hold A Practice Session
It can be a good idea to hold a practice session so that everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing on the day of the webinar. This will also give you the chance to identify any problems and make any changes that are necessary. It is also a good opportunity to test out all the equipment and make sure that there are no technical issues that need to be addressed. You can also use this session to gear up the presenters for the event and to generate some enthusiasm amongst everyone that is involved.
Reserve The Space And Equipment You Will Need
You will need a space for your webinar where there will not be any interruptions. It can be a good idea to reserve a conference room or other space where you will have some peace and quiet. You will also need to make sure that you have all the equipment that you require so that you are not missing anything you need on the day. Sound quality is often poor when speaker phones are used and so you will need a headset. Other pieces of equipment that sometimes tend to get forgotten are network cables and a power cord for the laptop.
Set Up The Registration And Decide The Fee
The webinar tool that you use may already include something that will let people register for your webinar. If it does not then there are many other tools available that you could use instead.
There are advantages and disadvantages to charging for webinars and so you will need to think carefully about whether you do want to set a fee or not. People are more likely to attend if they have paid a fee and so it is a good way to ensure that your webinar is well attended. However, when people have paid then it will give them higher expectations. Sometimes the actual process of collecting the money can add complications. If it is the first time that you have hosted a webinar then you may want to consider offering it for free. As you become more experienced and hone your content then you could consider charging.
Start To Advertise Your Webinar
Once all other plans are in place then it is time to start thinking about advertising your webinar. The description of the webinar should be short and to the point. It should also make it clear what the target audience for the webinar is.
Your website and social media channels are a good place to start advertising because you will reach people here that already have an interest in the topics that you will covering. You can also considering advertising at events that are being held in your local community. If you are planning to hold another webinar in the future then you should tell the attendees of your current one about this when it has ended.